We would like to give a special Thank You to IP Braai. They came riding to our rescue when our company was under attack in terms of Intellectual Property. The best legal representative that any company can ask for and the advice already received is considered GOLD.
We would recommend IP Braai to anyone already in business or thinking about starting a business to go to IP Braai from start to finish. They are super friendly but when it came down to business, the best team to have on your side. Well done IP Braai! You have made supporters for life out of FireFly Biofuel!
Intellectual Property
Protect your novel idea, your invention
Trade Marks
Protect your brand, reputation and goodwill
Protect the unique aesthetics or function of your product
Registered Designs
Protect your original work in material form
protection mechanisms enabling you to earn recognition and financial gain from what you invent or create. The IP protection system as a whole aims to cultivate an environment where innovation and creativity can flourish.
Commercial & Corporate Law
Start, grow and thrive in business with strong legal foundations
We provide four Company Registration Plans to choose from:
Explore our Commercial & Corporate solutions:
Legal Templates
Intellectual Property Templates
Copyright Assignment, Non Disclosure Agreement etc…
Commercial Templates
Shareholders’ Agreement, Memorandum of Incorporation etc…
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Let us know, we’ll draft it for you
Legal approval by a qualified and experienced Attorney
Microsoft® Word
Format for compatibility with most word processors
Fully Editable
Entire template is editable to customise as you see fit
Prices ranging from FREE - R 5,000
Our Clients Say
Van die begin af het ek regtig 'n goeie ervaring en diens van Louis en IP Braai ontvang. Ek wou my eie handelsmerk registreer om kostes te bespaar en IP Braai se “DIY Trade Mark Registration” het dit vir my moontlik gemaak om die wette en regulasies agter dit te verstaan. Met vriendelikheid en geduld was Louis altyd hulpvaardig met sy kennis in die veld.
IP Braai hou by hulle woord, bekostigbaar en behulpsaam is hul ervaring en kennis maklik verkrygbaar op gewilde sosiale platvorms. Vir die klein entrepreneur soos ek in Suid-Afrika sal ek IP Braai definitief aanbeveel. Hulle verstaan dat klein besighede soos myne dikwels beperkte kapitaal het om groei aan te dryf.
The Blog
Loaded with Entrepreneurial, IP Educational and Commercial Educational content
Two friends were sitting around a campfire with their families sharing some Business ideas. One friend asked some legal questions and the other generously gave advice. Then the question came up; “Wouldn’t every South African Entrepreneur benefit from this kind of advice?”. And IP Braai was born….
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Martin de Kock
Creative Content Director
Professional Film Maker and Photographer driven to keep telling South Africa’s positive stories.
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We are fully online which means we assist
providing legal services and education across the whole of South Africa!
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