Did you know you can Do-It-Yourself for only R175?

And registering your own Company is as easy as following these 6 steps on the CIPC eServices website. In this video we show you step-by-step how to register a Company – the exact process we followed to register IP Braai (Pty) Ltd.

Need some assistance with Company Registration?
Ready to start the process?

First of all, remember to do your own Free Trade Mark Search, before registering your Company name, to make sure you will not be infringing on anyone’s existing rights.

The 6 Steps to register a Company using the CIPC eServices website:

Step 1 – Company name search:

Checking the companies database to make sure there are no other registered companies with the same name as the name you want to use to register your company. Very similar names might also prove to be a challenge. If you think about it, you want your company name to be unique, to stand out.

Step 2 – Register your account at CIPC:

To perform any “transactions” on CIPC, you need an account. It’s as simple as registering on any online platform, like Gmail or Facebook. CIPC does however need more detail such as your ID number and address. Once you have provided all your details, you will receive your “Customer Code”. Remember this code because it serves as your username for the platform.

Step 3 – Log in with your new account:

Now you are ready for action! Again, as simple as logging into any online platform. Sometimes its hard to distinguish between caps and small letters within the security code – just keep at it! And remember to tick to accept the CIPC T’s & C’s.

Step 4 – Transfer funds for step 5 & 6:

Many “transaction” performed on CIPC eServices carry a small cost. And to pay for these transactions, you need to transfer funds to your CIPC account. This is a simple electronic funds transfer (EFT) from your bank account to CIPC. So in this step you’re just getting the CIPC banking details plus your EFT reference. This reference is obviously very important so CIPC knows from whom the funds are transferred and who’s account to credit.

Step 5 – Company name reservation:

So your CIPC account balance shows the funds you transferred and you’re ready to reserve your company name. CIPC allows you to specify 4 proposed names. Enter your 1st choice in the top field followed by your 2nd choice and so on. If, in Step 1, you did not find any companies with your 1st choice of company name, then you should get your 1st choice. But since you are paying R50 for this name reservation, provide a 2nd, 3rd and 4th choice just in case. This step does not register a company yet, so you can still change your mind before completing Step 6.

Step 6 – File company registration:

Now you have received the form COR9.4 from CIPC and your company name is reserved. This is exciting! You can go ahead and lodge your company registration:

  • Provide all the Director’s details including, full names, ID numbers, cellphone numbers, email, physical and postal addresses.
  • Specify your company details including financial year end, number of shares, web address, physical and postal address.

Once all required information has been submitted, CIPC will send you document indicating all the information submitted. All your Directors need to sign this document which, together with a certified ID copy of each Director, must be submitted online to CIPC.

And you’re all done!

Need some assistance with Company Registration?
Ready to start the process?

Royalty Free Music Recognition:

Artist: Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
Song: Monks
Music promoted by Audio Library

Artist: KV
Song: Bongo
Music promoted by AudioGrab

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