Why Most Software Is Legally Not Patentable and When to Patent Yours
We discuss the Patents Act, the specific requirements for software patent registration, and look at some examples.
We discuss the Patents Act, the specific requirements for software patent registration, and look at some examples.
Find out when you can use a design to protect your product, as well as some interesting strategies to consider when registering a design.
Registered versus contractual Intellectual Property ("IP") protection, and how it can help an entrepreneur or an inventor to protect their product, just like insurance.
Patent Novelty Search explained: Why it's not a requirement, what the process looks like, and the pros and cons of doing it.
Find out how a design protects what your product looks like.
Trade Secrets, Trade Marks, Patents, Registered Designs, Copyright
Patentability: 3 important concepts you need to understand before you launch
In-house, we have the qualifications, the skills, the expertise to facilitate your patent filing and renewals in South Africa
Not as sexy, but still important Intellectual Property Rights explained